Full body lift without surgery phẫu

Many beauty salons, centers, and clinics offer similar services. When choosing where to go, keep a few important points in mind.

Full body skin tightening without surgery

Full body toning can become relevant at some point in life for both women and men, for both thin and plump people. The large number of techniques that modern medical cosmetology has available allows you to choose an effective therapy in each particular case.

Why does the skin on the body sag?

In young people, rapid weight loss during weight loss or pregnancy is often the cause. In middle-aged people, age-related changes are added, leading to gravity ptosis (the sagging of soft tissues under the influence of gravity).

We know that not everyone has the need for a facelift. An important role is played by the individual characteristics of a person, namely the condition of the muscles, the type of skin, the general state of health and lifestyle. Loss of elasticity and moisture, accumulation of excess fat under the skin, impaired microcirculation leads to a condition where the skin cannot tighten itself and is prone to ptosis.

Can effectively tighten skin without surgery

If you seriously decide to get your body in order, you'll have to rethink your diet, exercise, and routine. Leave the skin condition assessment and anti-sagging strategy development to the specialist. Home remedies are great for maintaining healthy skin, but the effects are too weak to give noticeable results.

Effective skin tightening is only possible for a beautician who can select and provide the patient with a complex of modern procedures.

Aesthetic medicine clinic approaches weight loss and skin tightening in a complex way. The doctor assesses the general health and individual characteristics of the patient. After that, a program is created, which not only includes procedures aimed directly at skin tightening, but also gives recommendations on daily care, cosmetic choices, nutrition and other important aspects. other important. The physician monitors the patient during the course of treatment, assesses the effectiveness of the measures taken and adjusts the appointment if necessary.

It is the complexity of the physician's approach and personal responsibility that provide clients with assurance that the results will be positive and that the procedures will not harm their health.

Modern non-surgical body lift method

The wide range of methods available allows you to solve almost any problem that patients pose: tummy tucks, arms, legs, buttocks, neck and chin, hand rejuvenation, face lift, face lift.

We have listed just a few of the skin tightening treatments available to our patients:

  • LPG massage,
  • cryolipolysis,
  • non-injection intermediate therapy,
  • body mediated therapy,
  • ozone therapy,
  • Lift RF,
  • biological,
  • plasma lifting,
  • electrical stimulation.

Many beauty salons, centers, and clinics offer similar services. When choosing where to go, consider several important points:

  1. All procedures have contraindications. Don't trust someone to do the procedures you ask for without talking.
  2. For each procedure, the conditions and qualifications of the esthetician must be strictly adhered to. Failure to do so may be harmful to health.
  3. Certified equipment and generic drugs must be used for each procedure.
  4. When performing complex procedures, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility.
  5. It is not safe to make choices based on a "where is cheaper" approach.